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When and Where
  • 6/15/2022 3:23 PM CDT
  • 6/30/2027 12:00 AM CDT
  • Online
  • Online
Please note: The Mini-Course Series events only count towards the ongoing learning component for a BTAP if you bundle four mini-courses together. Participants must complete all required components before June 30, 2024.

Best Practices for Formative Assessments Mini-Course

Facilitator: Bethany Petty, School District

Join Bethany as she shares various tools that can be used for formative assessments in the classroom. The presenter models these tools in live time while discussing possible variations and implementation tips for each tool shared. Platforms shared include Quizizz, Flippity, and Advance features in Google Forms.

By watching this webinar and completing the quiz, a certificate of completion automatically will be generated showing 0.5 hours of professional learning has been completed. If no certificate of completion is needed, webinars can be accessed on the MSTA website.