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When and Where
  • 7/15/2019 11:00 AM CDT
  • 7/17/2019 12:00 PM CDT
  • Bunker Hill Resort
  • Mountain View
  • MO

2019 New Professional Training Camp
These three days will provide a jam-packed agenda of breakouts, learning from fellow educators, connecting with peers and great food. 
Registration includes lodging on the 15th and 16th; 6 meals; several breakout sessions; all the materials you need & a T-shirt.
Here are the details:
July 15, 16, 17, 2019
Bunker Hill Resort- If you’ve never been, check it out: http://www.bunkerhillretreat.com/

Arrive no earlier than 11 AM
11:00 – 12:30 registration
12:30 lunch (lunch is served family style, please arrive before 12:30 p.m.)
5:30 pm dinner
Sessions, ice cream, connecting time
7:30 am breakfast
12:30 Lunch
Freetime to enjoy camp
5:30 Dinner

7:30 Breakfast
Sessions and closing
Head Home

Session topics:
Keynote address-Darbie Valenti, 2014 Missouri Teacher of the Year
What is MSTA, anyway?
Professional Rights and Responsibilities: Overview of basic legal rights and responsibilities public educators have in Missouri.
And more!!