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When and Where
  • 11/8/2018 2:36 PM CST
  • 11/8/2018 2:36 PM CST
  • Holiday Inn Executive Center
  • Columbia
  • MO

To celebrate and recognize your commitment and valued leadership, we cordially invite you to the MSTA CTA recognition luncheon at the 2018  MSTA Convention. Other invited guests include MSTA Region Presidents and MSTA State Officers.

CTA Presidents' Recognition Luncheon
Thursday, November 8, 2018
11 AM
Windsor III
Holiday Inn Executive Center
Menu: Fried Chicken
Catfish & Hushpuppies
Sliced Smoked Brisket
Creamy Coleslaw
Mashed Potatoes w/Country Gravy
Home-style Green Beans
Buttered Corn
Rolls and Butter
Assorted Cobblers