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When and Where
  • 11/8/2018 2:00 PM CST
  • 11/9/2018 3:00 PM CST
  • Holiday Inn Express & Suites
  • Columbia
  • MO

SMSTA annual meeting November 9th
When: 12pm-3pm
Where: Piccadilly Room (Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia MO
What: a Mexican buffet lunch will be served at 12pm. The meeting will start at 12:30pm. Ambassadors will present awards for outstanding service project and SMSTA leader of the year. We’ll have break-out sessions to discuss best practices for SMSTA chapter meetings, SMSTA community service and fundraising ideas and preparing for teacher certification assessments. There will be a panel of new professionals available to answer questions about the transition from student to teacher. We will also elect four statewide SMSTA ambassadors for the 2019 year.

How Much: Free!
All students and advisors are invited to attend MSTA Convention workshops and speakers. You can find more information here: http://convention.msta.org/
If you have any questions, email Krista Meyer, student groups coordinator, kmeyer@msta.org