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When and Where
  • 9/21/2018 3:58 PM CDT
  • 9/23/2018 3:58 PM CDT
  • Bunker Hill Retreat
  • Mountain View
  • MO
Date:  September 21, 22, and 23
Where:  Bunker Hill Resort
Cost:  $200 per person includes workshop fee and lodging Friday and Saturday; three meals on Saturday breakfast and lunch on Sunday
Managing Challenging Behaviors in the Regular Classroom Environment
It is the beginning of the school year and every student has two questions on their mind as they head off to school, will my teacher like me and will I have a friend?   For the majority of students school is a wonderful environment to learn and grow.  But what happens when kids misbehave? Traditionally?  Rewards and Consequences don’t work.  Shame and humiliation don’t work!  Suspension and Expulsions don’t work.  So what should we do with kids in our classrooms and schools when they misbehave, are disruptive or just won’t stop acting out?  Join Dr. Joe Sartorius and focus on restorative practices to help teachers develop positive strategies to help students be successful. 
Participants can earn up to two hours of graduate credit at a cost of $145.00 per hour if interested. 

Participants are encouraged to have the book: Better Than Carrots or Sticks:  Restorative Practices for Positive Classroom Management by Dominique Smith.